Information about questionnaires

We would like to ask you to fill out confidential questionnaires prior to attending DocHealth for your consultation. This can be accessed online by clicking on the link in your email.

It is important for us to know how and for whom the service is working, whether it’s effective and which changes might be needed.

Every doctor referring themselves to DocHealth is thus invited to fill out some questionnaires at different stages of their making use of the service.

Filling out the questionnaires is entirely voluntary, declining to do so will not affect in whatever way the treatment at the service. However we would appreciate the completion of the questionnaires as they will help us shape the future of the service.

A first set of questionnaires will be given prior to using the service. These cover items concerning the present personal situation including psychological and work-related functioning.

Another set of questionnaires will be given at the time of the conclusion of the consultation sessions at DocHealth, including a user satisfaction survey.

Finally some questionnaires will be sent out 6 months after the conclusion of the consultation sessions at DocHealth.

The answers to these questionnaires will be fully encrypted immediately in order to secure confidentiality. All data will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.  Records will be confidential and access to them will be restricted to your Medical Consultant and the administrator to the unit. You will be allocated an identification number and computer databases will only use this number, and not your name. Consequently no publication resulting from the collection of this data will permit individual identification.